This sermon was preached at Prince of Peace on the weekend of April 13-14, 2013.
When I was in college, I got involved with a ministry called Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. The leader of this ministry was a man named Taylor. In his job, he served as a missionary to college students on our campus. He was a few years older than I was, so I looked up to him as a mentor. He taught me a lot about what it means to follow Jesus. He taught me prayer and Bible study, and other tools for growing in my faith.
The reason I share this with you is because I want to highlight a very important aspect of this relationship I have with Taylor. More than a mentor or leader, Taylor is my friend. The reason we've stayed close through the years, and the reason I've developed trust in him as a person is because he's my friend. I've grown to love Taylor and his family. He's like a brother to me. If he's in need, I'll do anything I can to help him. His words mean more to me as a friend. I can hear his encouragement and even his rebuke because of the trust between us. If my relationship with Taylor was only as a leader or teacher, I wouldn't listen to him when he has an opinion on my lifestyle. I wouldn't give out of myself when he is in need.
I want us to think about this. How many of the people you know do you call friends? More specifically, what about Jesus? Is Jesus your friend?
In the Gospel of John, we read that Jesus visited the disciples for the third time after his resurrection. When he visited them, they were out fishing in a boat. Does anybody know how many times they went fishing in the three years since the Jesus called them to be disciples? According to the gospels, none! They used to fish all the time. Fishing was their way of life, But none of the disciples had gone fishing since they were called out of their boats by Jesus.
I wonder why they decided to go back to fishing now. Maybe they had given up on following Jesus. Maybe they just wanted their old lives back again. The Bible doesn't say. But what we see is that they aren't exactly hopping out of their seats to go share the good news of Jesus with the world.
Remember, Jesus had already appeared to them two times before this. And one of those times he told them that he's sending them out! But the disciples are still huddled and scared.
So, while they are fishing, they hear a call from the shore, “Do you have any fish?” But they hadn't caught anything all night. The voice says to cast their nets, and they made a catch larger than they could lift into the boat.
This is the same miracle Jesus performed when he calls the disciples in the other gospel accounts. Jesus is reminding them of their call to be fishers of men. He performs the same miracle he did when they first met. He reminds them of their call to follow him.
One of the disciples recognizes Jesus. “It's the Lord!” And Peter jumps overboard and swims to shore!
The rest of the disciples take the boat to shore. They see a charcoal fire burning with some fish over it. Jesus says, “bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” Jesus tells them, “Come and have breakfast.” And he gives them bread and fish.
The disciples had breakfast with Jesus. They spent time together as friends. This is like how my time with with Taylor strengthened our friendship. This moment strengthened the disciples to finally follow Jesus' call. This got them out into the world. Spending time with Jesus. Giving yourself up for someone requires that you love them. Jesus says there's no greater love than laying down your life for your friends.
The miracle of this large catch of fish reminded the disciples of their call. Their call was to be fishers of men! Jesus reminded them of his power to make their works great when alone they can do nothing.
There's also a growth Peter's relationship with Jesus. When he jumps out of the boat, it reflects the time when Jesus walked on the stormy sea. That time, Peter was scared of the waves, and timidly asked Jesus to call him out of the boat. But this time, Peter didn't wait for Jesus to call to him. Out of his excitement of seeing Jesus, he did what any good friend would do. His friend had died, but now was back to see him. He leaped out and rushed over to be at his friend's side. That stormy night was gone. It was a new day. His love for Jesus, and his longing to be with Jesus drew him to the shore for breakfast with his friend.
Jesus feeds the disciples with bread and fish. Do you remember what food Jesus fed the five thousand? It was bread and fish! And now he is passing this same food around to the disciples. Do you think some of them might be remembering this part of Jesus' ministry? And how they didn't have faith that he could feed them? With his actions here, Jesus says, “Remember who feeds you. Remember what great things I can do with very little.”
Look at how well the disciples know Jesus! They've been with him for three years. They know what he's done. This fish and bread breakfast means very much for the friends of Jesus. For those who have a life with Jesus. If you aren't a friend of Jesus, these things may not mean much at all. But because of the disciples' deep friendship with Jesus, and because the disciples know him intimately, this is not lost on them. The disciples are friends of Jesus. They recognize his actions because of their friendship, and the significance behind those actions.
Many of us, if we are asked to impersonate a friend, we mimic their common tendencies and phrases. We can do an impression of our friends because we know their little quirks. We know what makes them unique, we know how they're different from others.
The disciples know what made Jesus unique. And when they're called to imitate him,
they know what that means. We need to know what makes Jesus unique. We need to know what it means to imitate Jesus.
You know those WWJD bracelets that were really popular in the '90's? How many here wore them? If we're friends of Jesus, we should be able to answer the question. What would Jesus do? If we know the ways Jesus acted in the life he lived on earth, we will know how to imitate him in our lives.
The disciples knew Jesus. They knew Jesus because they spent time with him. There are stories about this in John's gospel.
In chapter six, Jesus takes his disciples up on a mountain just to sit with them. They were sitting on a mountainside with Jesus, spending time with him in an intimate and real way. In chapter twelve, we read about Jesus reclining with the disciples at a table. Lazarus and Mary are their, and Mary breaks open a bottle of perfume. The scent fills the room, as they sit there enjoying a meal together.
Sometimes Jesus just spends time with his disciples. He doesn't always work wonders. He doesn't always debate the Pharisees. He isn't always giving a formal teaching. Spending time with the disciples is a major part of Jesus' ministry. It is him enjoying time with those whom he loves.
Do you remember my friend Taylor? I'll help him any time he has need. I know he'll do the same for me. This is also true about our friend Jesus. He cares about you and has gone to the cross for you. He has given his life so you can live. And in his rising again from the dead, we will share in his resurrection life.
I've been talking about this fish breakfast with the disciples, and how Jesus' actions should bring up memories for the disciples from their time with him during his ministry. When the disciples ate that morning, they remembered their friendship with Jesus. They remembered how Jesus called them to cast their nets, to show that he had control over their catch, and that they were called to be fishers of men. They remembered Peter jumping from the boat, and how it reflects the timidness he had walking on the stormy sea, yet his eagerness to be with Jesus now. I talked about the fish and bread. The very little that he used to feed five thousand. But I have one more observation in this scene to talk about. One more instance that doesn't bring the best memory for a certain disciple.
When they reached the shore, it says, “they saw a charcoal fire in place.” The Greek word used here for the fire is used one other time in John's Gospel. It was a fire that others gathered around as Jesus was being condemned. And Peter was asked three times the same question as he stood at that fire, “Are you not also one of this man's disciples?” But Peter couldn't stand up for his friend Jesus. He couldn't admit that he was with the man currently being condemned to death. He denied Jesus three times that night.
This time, after eating with the other disciples, Jesus takes Peter with him, and he asks Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter answers him, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love you.” A second time, Jesus asks, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” And Peter again answered, “Yes.”
At this point, you would think that Peter may have caught on to what was going on here. He may look over to the fire, and have a memory of that servant girl who first approached him with the question, asking him in the shadows if he was a friend of Jesus. Peter shrunk from that moment, denying his friend because he was afraid.
The third time, Jesus asks, “Simon, son of John, do you love me.” And here, we see that Peter was grieved over the question. Our Bibles tell us that he grieved because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” Without reading the Greek, we may just think he is upset because Jesus asks him the same question three times. But the Greek language has many words for love. We miss it because in English, all we see is the word “love.”
In the first two questions, when we read the word “love,” Jesus is actually using the Greek word agapo here. agape is a word which typically means unconditional love. In this case, it probably means, “receiving love” as one would welcome an honored guest.
If Reverend John came over to my apartment, I would receive him with an agape love. Treating him with honor, possibly cooking for him, although maybe the more agape thing to do would be to order out...
But, that's the basic idea of agape love. A very welcoming and honoring type of love.
So then, what's different about the third time Jesus asks the question?
Here, when Jesus says, “Do you love me?” He uses the word, philo. Phile is a different type of love than agape. Phile is love that shows affection toward another. More appropriately, it's to be friends with another person. The reason Peter grieves this last question is because to him, Jesus sounds like he is questioning Peter's friendship.
The first two times, Jesus may sound like he is saying, “Do you respect me? Do you accept me with honor?” But this third question is a personal question to Peter's relationship with Jesus, “Am I your friend? Do you care about me?” What we hear in English is what Jesus is really asking Peter here, “Do you love me.”
Jesus is calling Peter back into a friendship with him. It's Peter's love for Jesus which drives him to help build the first church. It's Peter's love for Jesus which allows him to preach boldly in the Spirit. It's Peter's love for Jesus which ultimately gives him the courage to die for his best friend.
Jesus doesn't only ask us to honor him. He doesn't only ask us to respect him. He doesn't only ask us to follow his commandments. Jesus asks us to love him. And to have a relationship with him.
Just like the disciples, to have a real friendship with Jesus, we need to be with him. We need to spend time with him. We need to get to know him as a friend. The way we do this is by spending time in prayer. We do this by spending time in the Word, both on our own and alongside other brothers and sisters in Christ. Through this, we have access to God's infinite love.
My friend Taylor and I enjoy spending time together. Whether he likes it or not, I will continue to look up to him because our relationship began with him discipling me in following Jesus. But because we have become friends, the time I spend with him is not only for learning or discipline. I spend time with him because I enjoy his company. It should be the same with Jesus.
We call him Lord and teacher, and rightly so. But he doesn't only call us servants and students. He calls us friends. As friends, he calls us to rest in his presence. As friends, he calls us to sit with him and enjoy him. The time we spend with God is not just for learning or discipline. The time we spend with God is for love. To love him and be loved by him.
When he asks you, “Do you love me?” You should be ready to respond like Peter, “Lord, you know know everything; you know that I love you.”
And this love is not a distant love. This love is intimate. When you say “I love Jesus” are you only saying you appreciate what he has done for you, or are you saying that he is someone you would want to be with for an eternity? Is Jesus someone you would sit down with on a mountainside? Or recline with at a table? Is time with Jesus something you long for? Do you love Jesus enough to give up everything and follow him?
Jesus loves you and wants to be with you. He gave up everything to do so. If you want to follow Jesus, it is only right that you feel the same.